
A flush marker is a headstone that lays "flush" or flat against the ground. The standard single flush size is 24" x 12" x 4". A double flush standard is 48" x 12" x 4". We offer many color choices in flush markers. Stop in at our offices here at the cemetery to see all the beautiful color choices we have available.
To view image Gallery of Flush markers click here.

A Bevel marker is a headstone that sits paritialy above the ground. The back of the bevel marker will extend eight inches in the back but only seven inches in the front thus giving it a bevel of one inch. The standard single bevel marker is 24”x 12” x 8”. A double bevel marker is 48” x 12” x 8”. We offer many color choices in the bevel marker. Stop in at our offices and browse these beautiful color selections.

To view image Gallery of Bevel markers click here.

A Slant marker is a headstone or marker that sits fourteen inches in height. The front of the marker slants or slopes back to give the maker a triangular or wedge shape. A single slant maker is two feet wide and covers one grave. A double slant is four feet wide and covers two graves. We offer many color choices with our slants. Stop in at the office to browse these beautiful color selections.

To view image Gallery of Slant markers click here.